Universal HDPE Axe Mask

  • Sale
  • $12.00
  • Regular price $17.00

Many of us own vintage restored axes or modern made axes that either didn't come with a mask or came with one that was too flimsy to inspire confidence. Made from our tough-as-nails PetroCor™ HDPE polymer, this axe mask fits from roughly boy's axe-sized axes through even very large full-sized American-style axes and mauls. Lightweight and impervious to the elements, the mask is held together with gunmetal-finished brass rivets and a handy snap buckle that allows for snap strap-style release with a custom-sized fit. Features a slot 5-1/2" wide between the center post of the rivets. Bear in mind that thicker bits will cause this slot to narrow as it conforms to the bit. Use two snapped to one another for double bit axes!

To install the buckle without cosmetically scuffing the strap, insert the strap through one end of the buckle and then bend the strap 180° and insert the strap through the other end. Adjust so that the buckle can freely pivot along the arc of the 180° bend a short distance. Use this approach to walk the buckle to the location where you want it, and the buckle will grip the strap firmly.


100% USA Made.  All the way down to the hardware.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews

Good product

Great guard

But these cause they were on sale. I always have extra axes around so having another option for guarding an edge during transport is always good. I bought two of these to use on a 20” double bit, works great. Will make it much easier to throw in the back of the truck or a backpack without getting or causing damage.


Item is as described

Rory Davis

I like the design but my axe cut through the rivets. I'm not sure how, just picked it up and the blade was sticking out. Never Had that issue with other sheaths

Robert Thebert
Universal HDPE Axe Mask it works, snap buckle is fast to use once setup.

Universal HDPE Axe Mask it works, snap buckle is fast to use once setup. Fast to use makes it more likely to get used often, plus does not absorb water so axe does not rust. This mask does the job for my new Jersey Classic axe. I wanted to get another universal mask for my True Temper Kelly Perfect antique axe, but mask is not wide enough for the antique bit. I guess I will end up making a mask and that can be antique looking if I want to do the work.