Mystery Axe Grab Bag

  • Sale
  • Regular price $40.00
  • Will be in stock after

Another vintage axe collection just landed in our warehouse.

We have quite a few heads lined up for auctions already so these ones are up for grabs!

As is tradition, we figured the easiest and most fun way to do that would be to have another Mystery Grab Bag.

You can choose either Double Bit or Single Bit from the drop-down above and I will randomly choose which head is coming your way.

There are quite a few gems in here and there are quite a few no-names - all of which are in various states of use and restoration.

However - there are no junk pieces (no welded axes, cracked bits, etc...) all of these are great candidates for restoration. 

There's no cap on how many you can buy at one time and no matter what you get you'll have a fun time restoring it.

These move fast though so if this sounds like a fun thing for you I'd buy one sooner rather than later.


** All sales are final - no returns or cancellations on these axes ** 

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Paul Warren

The Norlund axe head should restore to a good looking and useful tool. Good grab.

Norse Swanson
Fun surprise!

It was fun to take a gamble to see what I would get. It ended up a Collins Homestead Michigan pattern. A little more modern than I usually go for, but a nice usable piece. I am excited to clean it up and put a handle in it.

Jacob Bolin
Mystery Axe

I received a wood slasher boys axe in excellent condition. Looking to pair it was a whiskey river 28” handle.

Arnie Phifer
A fun addition to collecting

I just recently received a 3.5lb True Temper Kelly Works Jersey pattern with the Kelly "raised bit." A surprising and fun find!

Ashley Bowen
Great products

Enjoy the mystery bag never know what jewel you just might receive.